Half marathon training

For a while, off and on, I’ve had it in the back of my mind that I would like to run a half marathon. Each time I get back into running and get a good routine going I figure I should work on going longer.

I’ve run in a few races over the years, but the longest were 10k races. A number of years ago I did end up running 20k one night on a whim. I had been running regular 10k’s then and was out one night and at the 10k mark I felt really good so kept going. 15k was still feeling pretty good so kept going. It wasn’t long after that though that things started to be bad. I limped back to my car. I ended up hurting myself pretty bad, pulling something my leg and it took me away from running for quite a while.

Back in 2021 I signed up for a half marathon training program but never actually went into it. After some inspiration from a couple of co-workers, including Zandy’s recent half marathon, I finally a month ago I started in on the training, and things have been going well.

The training program consists of 4 runs a week and I’ve been getting out in the morning which used to be my preferred way to start my day and it makes a big difference.

I’ve meet some wild animal friends and had some great sunrises, I’ve also had some PRs this week, feeling strong and looking forward to the Valley Harvest Half Marathon this fall. I’m confident I’ll be able to do it, and am setting a goal to do it in under two hours.

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