Friends Christmas Party

Last night we had our annual friends gift exchange party. We have an awesome group of close friends and there are a lot of kids in the mix. We decided a number of years back we’d draw names so each kid bought one small gift for one of the other kids. The best part ofContinue reading “Friends Christmas Party”

Watery Fun Kind of Day

The plan for today was to spend a fair amount of time on or around the water. The river which we tube down had the water levels brought back up so it was open again probably for one of the last times this year. We decided we would take advantage of it and get thereContinue reading “Watery Fun Kind of Day”

Wintery Wet Basketball

We were looking for something to do today that would get is outside. The temperatures were above freezing, even if just barely, so we wanted to take advantage. We talked about going for a walk, or to a playground, but Noah decided he wanted to play basketball. We didn’t know what the court would beContinue reading “Wintery Wet Basketball”