Happy Birthday Matt

Matt Mullenweg the CEO of Automattic, the company where I work, is turning 40 today. Happy birthday Matt. For his birthday he asked for people to blog so that’s what I’m doing. I figure he and Automattic have given me so much that this is the least I could do. So here we go, happyContinue reading “Happy Birthday Matt”

The move to Developer

This past year has been tough, exciting, and brought some big changes. One of the big changes was our adoption of Ezra. The other is the completion of the Developer Apprenticeship program I wrote about previously. As of the first of this month my role switch from Happiness Engineer to Developer became official! That’s theContinue reading “The move to Developer”

Quarter way through my apprenticeship

Time is flying by, I’m already over a quarter way through the year developer apprenticeship program at work. It’s been fun, exhausting, and rewarding all at the same time. Like all the teams I’ve been apart of so far at Automattic my new team is fantastic. All incredibly smart, dedicated, and willing to give theirContinue reading “Quarter way through my apprenticeship”

Developer Apprenticeship

Recently I received some very exciting news at work. I’ve made it through the application process and accepted into a new developer apprenticeship program. This means starting in January I’ll be spending a year working with a development team and learning, with mentorship, to be a productive, contributing, developer. This is a fairly new programContinue reading “Developer Apprenticeship”

Cape Split

Today was the first day of my Sabbatical from work. Three months were a all my typical excuses are no longer valid. I have the time and ability to do a bunch of things I’ve been putting off. I started today with one thing I’ve been putting off for a long time. Not really intentionally,Continue reading “Cape Split”

Lonely Working Distributed

Recently I wrote about having connections with my distributed team. Part of that was because people have assumed it must be lonely working from home without seeing people. It’s been rare that I’ve ever felt this way much because of my team but also because I have a great network of family and friends IContinue reading “Lonely Working Distributed”

Distributed Team

Recently I was telling someone about my job for the first time. We were talking about how we communicate and how there is almost always someone else online working no matter when you are. They said something along the lines of that it must be like talking to some random stranger. While that’s true someContinue reading “Distributed Team”

Toronto March break vacation

We’ve been waiting since Christmas to take this trip. This year we surprised everyone with tickets to see a Toronto Raptors game over March Break. This may just become new tradition. We haven’t really done anything big for March break before, but this ended up being a great vacation. We debated for a short bitContinue reading “Toronto March break vacation”